# Deployment

# Full static

Default configuration doesn't require any server deployment since it generates a full static website You just need to deploy the ./dist folder to your hosting provider

# nuxpresso

  1. Create a repo of your nuxpresso installation.

  2. run the generate command

/nuxpresso/nuxpresso-nuxt $ yarn generate

This will create you static version in the ./dist folder

  1. Commit to your repo including the ./dist folder (remove from .gitignore)
/nuxpresso/nuxpresso-nuxt $ git add .
/nuxpresso/nuxpresso-nuxt $ git commit -m "My website"
/nuxpresso/nuxpresso-nuxt $ git push -u origin master

If you are using providers like Netlify, Vercel, ecc. connect the deployment to your repo.

  1. To publish leave the deployment command to build empty

  2. Set the destination folder to ./dist

# Public Strapi CMS

# nuxpresso

Set the deployment environment variables as indicated in the configuration updating the data to connect to your production Strapi CMS. Refer to nuxpresso configuration

# Strapi CMS

Strapi CMS for nuxpresso is based on a custom template. If you plan to deploy on most common providers like Heroku, AWS or others that support, you must create a repository with the Strapi CMS created following this guide.

# Configuration variables

Following are the configuration variables to create in your production environment


# Database connection

nuxpresso-strapi-template installs by default the packages for SQLite, mySQL and Postgres.

MongoDB at the moment is not supported by nuxpresso-nuxt and MOKAStudio

  • update ./config/database.js

Path - ./config/database.js (using postgres)

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  defaultConnection: 'default',
  connections: {
    default: {
      connector: 'bookshelf',
      settings: {
        client: env('DATABASE_CLIENT),
        host: env('DATABASE_HOST'),
        port: env.int('DATABASE_PORT'),
        database: env('DATABASE_NAME'),
        username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME'),
        password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD')
      options: {}

# External providers plugins

If you plan to use external providers plugins (upload, email, etc) in your production environment you have to:

  • add the packages required in your package.json file
  • add the environment variables required by your plugins
  • update the ./config/plugin.js

# Create a repo and deploy it

Create a repo on your repository account

Add remote origin to your nuxpresso Strapi CMS folder

/nuxpresso/nuxpresso-strapi $ git remote add origin https://github.com/_user_/_repo.git_

Where user is your username and repo.git your repo name

Be sure the env files are included in the .gitignore list

Deploy using your repo.

# Strapi documentation

For more info please read the official Strapi CMS documentation (opens new window) about deployment and plugin installation

# Strapi assets

nuxpresso Strapi CMS template is configured to work with local assets and service (upload and email). Thus means that for some providers, like Heroku free plan, the assets will be deleted when application is restarted (dynos)

I suggest to read my Workflow guide in order to understand better NUXPRESSO workflow.

# MOKAStudio

MOKAStudio doesn't require a production deployment since you can run on a local environment and connect to your Strapi CMS. Just update the environment variables to set the credentials. Refer to MOKAStudio configuration

For security reasons my advice is to not deploy MOKAStudio

If you plan to deploy MOKAStudio on a public server just use the original repo (opens new window) and set the environment variables to connect to the Strapi CMS.